Dr. Bob Endorsement

I’ve been in the hospitality business on Clearwater Beach since 1986. I’ve seen numerous changes; some good and some not so good. 

Dr. Bob Cundiff has always been willing to listen to the neighborhood residents over the high powered lawyers representing the developers.

Dr Bob, I believe, will continue to help control our property tax through his conservative approach to limiting wasteful government spending. Dr. Bob is clearly a true friend of the taxpayers of Clearwater.
Dr. Bob is the only City councilmember who voted not to raise property taxes.

We need to keep Dr.Bob on the job to control unnecessary fiscal waste. He is the best person for the job and he doesn’t need any on the job training.

Please join me in voting to re-elect Dr. Bob Cundiff to the Clearwater City Council.


Billy Day  

473 East Shore Drive

Clearwater Beach, Fl.

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